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School Improvement Plan

In order to coordinate the resources that help all students meet high academic standards, we employ site-based management. The School Improvement Team (SIT) is the umbrella group that oversees the management and coordination of our School Improvement Plan (SIP).

The School Improvement Team's purpose is to:

  • promote successes
  • monitor progress
  • implement ideas, plans, and strategies to bring about increased achievement and partnership.

The SIT team is comprised of classified staff, professional staff, parents, administrators and community members. This team of dedicated stakeholders has the responsibility for the development of the School Improvement Plan (SIP). The School Improvement Plan is developed based on the assessed instructional needs of the students and is an essential component of the school improvement process.

The Process identifies:

  • specific areas of the school which need improvement (instructional focus, curricular initiatives, etc.),
  • staff development and other activities which facilitate school improvement,
  • quantitative and qualitative instruments which measure the extent of school progress in achieving outcomes,
  • areas of continuing concern for future attention.

Under the umbrella of our SIT, we have focus groups that meet quarterly to review and revise, as necessary, the various sections of our SIP.

The teams review:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Safe and Orderly Environment
  • Partnership

Each group is co-chaired by staff, parents or resource staff. These groups "focus" on their area of improvement. The SIT oversees the coordination of needs, resources, and initiatives to assure continuous improvement in all areas. It is the SIT that coordinates the various funding sources, matching the need with the appropriate resource and maximizing the impact of every dollar spent. All parts of the plan are woven together by the consistent attention provided by the SIT.